
Showing posts with the label 100G wavelengths

Pacific Subsea Cable Capacity Offers: Jupiter & Faster

Cables: Jupiter or Faster. Term: 1 Year. A point: TY4 data centre, Tokyo.  Z point: Coresite, 1 Wilshire LA.  MRC: $18.5K. NRC: $15K. Customer responsible for cross connects.  Remarks:   1. Jupiter and Faster are the second and third lowest latency cables linking Tokyo and LA, respectively. Unity holds the first position.  2. CLS to CLS, CLS to DC, and DC to CLS also options. And less expensive. 3. Volume and Term Discounts.  Jupiter Cable Logical Map Faster Cable Map

Record Sales Month - 1.5 Terabits

Hi Everyone,  I want to thank my contacts, friends, customers, and carrier partners. In July I sold 1.5 Terabits of capacity. Mostly incredibly cheap European 100G waves. But that total does include my first Equiano 100G Nigeria/South Africa sale. 😀 A noteworthy achievement, and a personal best, which is highly gratifying. Thanks again.  Regards,  Roderick.