
Showing posts with the label Internet infrastructure

SEA-H2X: The Mystery Player Among Southeast Asian Subsea Cables

SEA-H2X: A Mystery Player Among Subsea Cables This cable is very under the radar. Very few industry insiders ever mention it. Yet, it is not an insignificant project. The main 8 fibre pair trunk directly connects Singapore and Hong Kong. It uses branching units to extend the cable to Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and a free trade Chinese port city known as Hainan. Hauwei Marine built it with advanced branching units that include optical switching as well as flexible power distribution. The cable's design capacity is 180 Tbps. At 20 Tbps a pair, I suspect there is upside throughput potential.  Interestingly enough, it is an open cable system so each consortium member selects and buys their own submarine line termination gear which I assume includes the DWDM kit. This helps to some extent alleviate the concern that Chinese security agencies have compromised the system. But there are other ways of eavesdropping other than infiltrating the terminal gear even though that is the best

The New Subsea Cables RFS 2025 Series: Asia Link Cable (ALC)

Type of Cable System: Latest Generation Coherent Optics.  Open Cable System: Yes, and possibly the first for Southeast Asia.  Consortium Members: China Telecom, Singtel, Globe Telecom (Philippines), DITO (Philippines), Singtel, Malaysia Telecom, Global Transit, and UNN (Brunei).  Construction Status: On schedule.  Number of Fibre Pairs: 8.  Estimated RFS: 3Q2025. Day One Aggregate Throughput: 144 Tbps.  Salient Features: Three digit terabit cable between Singapore, China, HK, Malaysia, Vietname, and Philippines.  ALC connects Brunei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, and China. It is a 8 fibre pair system with minimum throughput per pair of 18 terabits per second. Hauwei Marine is building the system which should be ready for service 3Q2025. The project co-leads are Singtel and China Telecom. Hauwei's involvement will deter many foreign carriers from using the cable's transport services, but there are extensive commercial  ties and strong telecom traffic flows between Singapor

Burying Fibre Optic Subsea Cables In Shallow Waters: The How And Why

It is standard practice to bury subsea cables in shallow waters. This generally means the ocean or sea lying above the continental shelf. The shelf is really just that part of the continent that is submerged under water during the warm periods between the earth's recurring ice ages. During interglacial periods like now the shelves remain submerged and during each ice age the shelves become dry land as the sea levels fall due to less precipitation. Precipitation declines as the earth becomes colder and water is locked up in snow, ice, and glaciers on dry land. Indeed, during the last ice age the oceans were about 130 meters lower than today's levels and the continental shelves were dry land. In general, the continental shelves range from 100 to 200 meters below the water surface. At the continental shelf's edge the depths plunge down a steep slope to the bottom of the ocean. The purpose of burying is to protect a fibre optic cable from its most ferocious predators and enemi

Google's New Umoja Cable: Linking Africa To Australia

Google has been a path breaker in the submarine cable world. It financed the first spatial division multiplexing cable across the Atlantic, namely the 12 fibre pair Dunant system . It is also the owner of the new 16 pair  Topaz system which directly links Canada to Asia and bypasses the US. Not to mention the billion dollars Google is spending to crisscross the Pacific with a web of new cables connecting Japan, Guam, Hawaii, Chile, Australia, Fiji, French Polynesia, and other island chains. Umoja is no less surprising than its predecessors. It has two key components. A new terrestrial fibre highway in partnership with Liquid Technologies that will head Northwest from Kenya's data centres to Uganda and then South to traverse and connect Rwanda, the Democratic Congo Republic, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and finally, South Africa.  The bane of sub-Saharan Africa has been the lack of domestic long haul fibre connecting the landlocked countries to each other and to the coasts where the subsea

The Bay Of Bengal Gateway Subsea Cable - A Hidden Gem

Prior to Equiano and 2Africa, the African continent was arguably one of the most difficult places to do telecom wholesale. But India is catching up. The African continent has two open cable systems whereas India has none. Although LightStorm 's mission is to create and operate carrier neutral cable landing stations in India, I am not aware of any major cables in planning that will use them. Unfortunately, Tata and Bharti Airtel still control most  cable landing stations. And they are typically the only carriers that can provide back haul from the CLS to the rest of the country. Hence they have de facto monopolies on the subsea cables that they land. As a result a 100G wave from Mumbai to Marseille generally costs about $65K per month on the older systems, which is well above African market pricing for routers of similtar distance. Capetown to Portugal is now lower 30s at the 100G levl.  However, there is one international subsea cable that offers hope for buyers. The Bay of Bengal

Subsea Cables RFS 2025 - 2Africa - Part 3

My best guess is that this extraordinary project goes fully live by the end of the first quarter of 2025. So far only the Kenya/Tanzania/South Africa segments have been activated and it is not clear whether they passing live traffic at this point. For more details, click on  The 2Africa subsea network is based on the principle of carrier neutrality. So in principle cable landing station ownership or operating licenses should not matter in carrier vendor selection. But until practice proves neutrality is being honored, it is best to request capacity from a provider that operates one or both cable landing stations. This advice does not apply to routes that use carrier neutral data centres to house the CLS. So, for example, the Genoa/South Africa path uses GN1 Equinix to house the CLS in Italy and also Teraco data centres. Opportunistic CLS behavior is far less likely when a carrier neutral

Facebook Submarine Cable & Telecom Infrastructure Group

Facebook is great for photos and hence is ideal for a subsea cable group. Please join for great posts and discussion. Linkedin is passé.

Inexpensive Equiano Capacity With Low Cost Lagos Metro Connectivity

I have teamed up with a nimble African carrier that can quickly deliver  100G waves on the Equiano   cable between carrier neutral data centres for $25K a month or less on 1 year contracts. Both Lisbon/Lagos and Lagos/South Africa routes. Best of all, the provider has a Lagos metro fibre network so it can extend your network on its own fibre from OADC where the Equiano CLS is housed to MDXI Equinix and other data important centres like Rack Centre. This offers significant cost savings over Bharti Airtel and China Mobile International.  We provide 100G wavelength rings between OADC, MDXI, and Rack Centre at prices far less than the customary market offers which vary from $7K to $11K per 100G span. Most Equiano cable capacity providers including t he Chinese and Indian carriers do not own fibre between the Lagos telecom hotels and hence their end-to-end capacity quote will rise by $5K to $10K once wavelength tails are included. Currently no dark fibre is available in Lagos. We offer di

Subsea Cables RFS 2025 - 2Africa - Part 2

2Africa Landings Luando, Angola Manama, Bahrain Moroni, Comoros Muanda, Democratic Republic of Congo Pointe-Noire, Congo Abidjan, Ivory Coast Djibouti City, Djibouti Port Said, Egypt Ras Ghareb, Egypt Suez, Egypt Zafarana, Egypt Marseille, France Libreville, Gabon Accra, Ghana Tympaki, Greece Mumbai, India Al Faw, Iraq Genoa, Italy Mombasa, Kenya Mtwapa, Kenya Kuwait City, Kuwait Mahajanga, Madagascar Maputo, Mozambique Nacala, Mozambique Kwa Ibo, Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria Barka, Oman Salalah, Oman Karachi, Pakistan Caravelos, Portugal Doha, Quatar Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia Duba, Saudi Arabia Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Yanbu, Saudi Arabia Dakar, Senegal Carana, Seychelles Berbera, Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia Amanzimtoti, South Africa Duynefontein, South Africa Ggeberha, South Africa Yzerfontein, South Africa Barcelona, Spain Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Port Sudan, Sudan Dar Es Salam, Tanzania Abu Dhabi, UAE Kalba, UAE Bude, UK Sources:,

Subsea Cables RFS 2025 - 2Africa - Part 1

The 2Africa is one of the most ambitious and important subsea cable projects ever undertaken. It spans a record 45,000 kilometers or 28,000 US miles. As the map below shows, it extends from Mumbai to Lisbon, London, Genoa, and Marseille and almost completely encircles Africa. 2Africa has a total of 46 landings which enable it to serve 33 countries across Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is unique in having several landings in several countries including 4 in Egypt, 4 in Saudi Arabia, 4 in South Africa, and finally 2 in Congo as well as Kenya, Mozambique, and Spain. A signature theme of the 2Africa project is to improvie network resiliency through physical diversity in the form of multiple, widely separated landings in key countries. For example, the subsea network brings much needed diversity to Nigeria's telecommunications infrastructure with the first CLS outside Lagos in the country's Southeastern region. Many hundreds of kilometers from Lagos.  The 2Africa cable is a spatial di