The Advent of the LEO Satellite Wars: Amazon Enters the Fray

Amazon announced yesterday it is launching its Kuiper constellation service in 2025. The UK will be the first country to go live. Up to now Starlink, which has 4.6 million customers, has faced no competition. But the huge buzz around Starlink is not really warranted. Yes, it is a great technical achievement particularly given that a customer is being handed off from one service satellite to another approximately every 30 minutes. However, what ultimately matters are financial results. Undoubtedly, Starlink is bleeding lots of cash. There is no way one can build a massive network prior to significant sales and avoid it. Satellites cannot be upgraded. So they must be fully loaded from day one which sharply increases the capex. Furthermore, the key metrics determining profitability and net cash flow are unknown. These metrics include customer acquisition costs. The American CLECs mostly went under during the dotcom era because it cost too much to acquire customers. Starlink has also...