
Showing posts with the label Gulf Bridge International.

Singapore/Marseille Route Bypass Of Red Sea And Egypt: Part 2

The least expensive Mumbai/Singapore cable is BBG ( Bay of Bengal Gateway ) and it enjoys the advantage of also directly connecting Singapore to Oman and the UAE. So most bypass route solutions use it. So the standard choice is to buy Oman/Singapore on BBG. Once the traffic reaches Oman a plethora of options present themselves. The traffic can be routed overland to Frankfurt via a consortium of carriers that have created the Ameers or Ameer2 terrestrial cable. Or one can hop on a subsea cable to Iraq or Iran, traverse it, and then forward through Turkey to Europe. There are many operators offering bypass routes from UAE and Oman to Europe. Most are pitching resiliency or low latency. Some of them offer route protected 100G service.  The Ameers cable (see the Orange marketing below) is a Turk Telekom led carrier consortium that has stitched together their fibre networks to provide an end-to-end service. This reflects Turk Telekom's vision of being a bridge between Europe and the Mi...