The Woeful State of the Wholesale Telecommunications Industry - Part 1

Right now the industry's service performance is really bad. Much of the responsibility lies with the venture capital owners and senior management. In particular there is this prevalent dotcom era notion that fibre equals value. It does not. What generates value are well managed, high performance assets generating a lot of revenue with lean overhead and happy customers. As a result, we are seeing builds by carriers that should be focusing on achieving excellent customer service and network performance, including provisioning. ***One major European long provider is quoting three month delivery of terrestrial 100G waves. They are aggressively expand their network, but apparently their venture owners forgot that the market does not highly value empty networks. On-net circuit provisioning should take two weeks. In exceptional cases as little as one week. It is hard for me to see why provisioning should take longer. ***Customer service in general is an abomination. If there were a telec...