SMW6 Cable Will Shake Up The Competition

Number of Fibre Pairs: 12. Initial Capacity Design: 128 Tbps. Type of Cable System: Hybrid consortium/open cable model. Bharti owns 1 pair. Rest of capacity ownership is fixed percentage of lit. RFS: 1Q2025. End-To-End Latency:130 ms RTD. Express route. Customer Profile: General bandwidth and financial trading firms. Key Consortium Members: China Unicom, Singtel, Bharti, Orange, Telin, Telekom Malaysia. The SWM6 cable is expected to have a round trip latency of only 130 milliseconds between the key Marseille/Singapore end points. This contrasts with 135 ms RTD for AAE1's express route which bypasses Djibouti. To network designers and planners this is a big deal and for financial trading firms it is a huge deal as a millisecond is worth tens of millions of dollars in additional profits over the course of several days. I expect to see latency sensitive Layer 1 customers migrate from AAE1, whose express route is currently the shortest path between Marseille and Sing...