Apricot Cable: A Geopolitical Statement

The 12 fibre pair spatial division multiplexing cable is a sign of our times. It links together Japan, Taiwan, Guam, Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia, but excludes Hong Kong and China on security grounds. Consistent with these geopolitical concerns, the cable's main trunk bypasses the South China Sea where China is demanding permit applications (which often exceed a year to get approved), can easily tap cables, and has created artificial military island bases. In a military conflict the fifteen cables traversing the the South China Sea would be at risk. Instead, Apricot takes a long route via Indonesian waters in order to head North along the Philippines' East Coast. The cable's design reflects the potential threat that an aggressive China in conflict with the Philippines and Taiwan poses to Southeast Asian telecommunications. Although latency is much higher, Apricot offers attractive physical diversity because it avoids the cable congested South China Sea, includes a...