European Wavelengths - Time To Build Your Own Network

A Big European Network Wants Your Business. 

  • Huge, dense footprint encompassing both data centers and commercial buildings. 
  • Includes the most reliable subsea cable across the English Channel linking London and Amsterdam. 
  • Fibre in the Chunnel as well. 
  • Both 100G and 400G wavelengths available. 
  • For those ready to 'ascend' to the next  level, spectrum is also available. 
  • Metro dark fibre in key markets like London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Paris. 
  • Fast Provisioning. Ranges from two to four weeks.  
  • Latency optimized routes for both general Layer 1 consumers like ISPs and financial traders. 
  • Full diversity possible between all city pairs. 
Map of European Fibre Optic Network


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