The New Subsea Cables RFS 2025 Series: Asia Link Cable (ALC)

Type of Cable System: Latest Generation Coherent Optics. 
Open Cable System: Yes, and possibly the first for Southeast Asia. 
Consortium Members: China Telecom, Singtel, Globe Telecom (Philippines), DITO (Philippines), Singtel, Malaysia Telecom, Global Transit, and UNN (Brunei). 
Construction Status: On schedule. 
Number of Fibre Pairs: 8. 
Estimated RFS: 3Q2025.
Day One Aggregate Throughput: 144 Tbps. 
Salient Features: Three digit terabit cable between Singapore, China, HK, Malaysia, Vietname, and Philippines. 

ALC connects Brunei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, and China. It is a 8 fibre pair system with minimum throughput per pair of 18 terabits per second. Hauwei Marine is building the system which should be ready for service 3Q2025. The project co-leads are Singtel and China Telecom. Hauwei's involvement will deter many foreign carriers from using the cable's transport services, but there are extensive commercial  ties and strong telecom traffic flows between Singapore, China, and Hong Kong that should sustain the project. It is interesting to note that ALC is an open cable system, which means each consortium member selects their own line termination gear. In general, there are two types of Southeast Asian cable projects, those going to the US and not touching China and vice versa. Singapore and Tokyo are the neutral telecom hubs unite these disparate networks (to the extent possible given China's Great Cyber Wall). Construction cost was $300 million USA. 

Reports in Vietnamese publications indicate that FPT Telecom, a Vietnam telco and ISP, will join the consortium and put $87 million into the project in exchange for a branch to Vietnam and capacity on the system. FPT competes against the two Vietnam incumbents, Vietel and VNPT. Subsea cable ownership is a big strategic advantage that will lower FPT's costs of connecting to Singapore and allow it to do more international peering and buy more transit from more competitive Tier 1 ISPs like Hurricane Electric and PCCW as opposed to its two larger rivals. 

Asia Link Cable is a 8 fibre pair subsea cable connecting HK, Singapore, China, Brunei, and the Phillippines RFS 3Q2025


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