India Europe Xpress - RFS 2025

 IEX is a consortium consisting of Jio Reliance and China Mobile with other, undisclosed member as well. It connects Mumbai to Marseille, but makes the mistake of traversing the Red Sea and Egypt to reach the Mediterranean. The path makes it quite clear that it will be low latency, but traverses within spitting distance of other high capacity transcontinental cables. The cable lands in Oman, Djibouti, Saudia Arabia, and Egypt as well as France, Greece, and Italy. A branch to Marseille was added to the project after this map was published. Retelit lands the cable at Savona near Genoa. Both Genoa and Milano are on-net. The cable uses spatial division multiplexing to achieve 13 fibre pairs. The subsea network is likely to exceed a quarter of a petabit in aggregate transmission capacity. 

India Express Cable Map


  1. I’m not clear what do you mean by the mistake in your article. What are the alternatives?

    1. I think cable builders must seriously consider detours that bypass the Red Sea and Egypt. Like Blue-Raman.


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