The Best European Metro Dark Fibre

Another dark fibre ring deal for my favorite European WAN provider ... It's been a two terabit sales year with EUNetworks and I look forward to wrapping up a few more DF leases before year's end. With any luck, 3 more to be precise. 

Key Dark Fibre Features

***Metros including Dublin, Manchester, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Munich, and Berlin.

***Rapid turn up.

***Custom routing available.

***Unique street level routing in 18 European cities

***Dedicated Dark Fibre, contention free and secure, linking 545+ data centres and 2700+ buildings

***Diversity between cities in Europe and into data centres

***Suitable for all transmission technologies, with single mode fibre (G.652, G.655, G.654 and G.657)

***With an SLA time to fix of 8 hours.

***Advanced fibre monitoring available, giving better visibility of service degradation and preempting potential service loss.

Map of EUNetworks' European Network


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