Tsunami of Subsea Cable Capacity Coming To Europe

 My calculations indicate that at least 2.5 Petabits per second of new subsea cable transmission capacity landing in Europe over the next few years. Note that this is initial capacity, and undoubtedly, there will be upgrades in due time. Below is my calculation. The Amazon project is stealth at this time and I assumed a lower bound of 100 Tbps.

Consider the Initial Capacity of New And Pending Cables:

1. Equiano: 144 Tbps. Live 2023.

2. 2Africa: 180 Tbps. Live 2025.

3. Blue-Raman: 218 Tbps. Live 2026.

4. Anjana: 480 Tbps. Live 2026. 

5. Nuvem: 384 Tbps. Live 2027.

6. Medusa: 480 Tbps. Live 2025. 

7. Africa-1: 160 Tbps. Live 2025.

8. Peace. 192 Tbps. Live December 2024.

9. SWM6: 125 Tbps. Live early 2026.

10. New Amazon Cable: US/Ireland. 2028. At least 100 Tbps.

Total: 2.5 Petabits Per Second Initial Capacity.

Map of Subsea Fibre Optic Cables Landing In Europe


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